Institute for Tobacco Studies

The Institute for Tobacco Studies, ITS, is an independent consultancy that works with scientific research on tobacco use and tobacco control by performing own studies (primarily conducted in collaboration with FSI, Research Group for Societal and Information Studies), and by monitoring the international development in these areas and collating data from the international scientific literature. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, ITS does a lot of networking with institutes and researchers in Sweden and abroad. 

Lars M Ramström PhD

Lars M. Ramström (born 1931) started the ITS in 1991 after his retirement from the position as Director General of  NTS, National Smoking and Health Association, a predominantly governmentally funded NGO dealing with scientifically based public information to reduce tobacco-related ill-health. During his 24 years with the NTS he supplemented his original training in natural sciences by developing a broad competence in tobacco-related aspects of medical, social, economic and other sciences, and he established a global network by engagements in numerous international activities such as the world conferences on smoking or health (secretary general of the 4th one, Stockholm 1979), various WHO expert committees etc. He is also active in the ICAA, International Council on Alcohol and Addictions, in the roles as Honorary Vice President and Chairperson of the ICAA Section on Tobacco dependence. During the years at ITS he has consolidated his role as researcher and is frequently engaged as reviewer for scientific journals.


Articles in scientific journals:
See PubMed:

Chapters in books (examples):
Ramström LM. Snuff – an alternative nicotine delivery system. In: Ferrence R,
Slade J, Room R, et al, editors. Nicotine and public health. Washington DC: The
American Public Health Foundation; 2000. p. 159–78.
Ramström LM. Prevalence and Other Dimensions of Smoking in the World. In: Bolliger CT, Fagerström KO, editors. The Tobacco Epidemic. Basel: Karger AG; 1997. p. 64-97.
Ramström LM. Monitoring the decline of smoking in Sweden. In: Abelin T, Brzezi?ski Z J, Carstairs V, editors. Measurement in health promotion and protection. Copenhagen: World Health Organization; 1987. p. 400-413.
Ramström LM, Tibbling L. Rökvanor och rökvaneintervention i ett internationellt perspektiv [Smoking habits and intervention in smoking habits in an international perspective]. In: Tibbling L, editor. Tobak skador och prevention. Stockholm: Svenska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar, Band 90, Häfte 6; 1981. p. 89-100. Swedish.
Ramström LM. Public health effects of smoking control. In: Arvidsson O, editor. Health and Society IV – The Use of Tobacco and Alcohol and Its Influence on Health. Stockholm: Committee for Future Oriented Research; 1979. p. 1-22.

Postal adress:
Institute for Tobacco Studies
Ingemarsgatan 4 B
SE-11354  Stockholm

+46 (0) 86420675
